News archive
After a systematical step and analysis of internal and external factors and markets we are really happy to get the option to develop and present next step and finalize export strategy for stronger focus and additional growth. A final step will involve concrete implementation ans set-up of new business. Do not hesitate to contacts us […]
Assignment includes process, planing and analysis of potential international growth areas and possibly strategy and implementation with additional advisory service. Please do not hesitate to contact us how we can support you in your internationalization. Jonas Welander VD och grundare/CEO and founder Grownow AB Mobile: +46 (0) 70 68 68 284 e-mail:
Please do not hesitate to contact us how we can guide and lead your process your with the strong Business Model Canvas tool. Jonas Welander VD och grundare/CEO and founder Grownow AB Mobile: +46 (0) 70 68 68 284 e-mail:
Possible assignment includes sales and marketing development for growth, sales- marketing planing and implementation as well as coaching. Please do not hesitate to contact us how we can support you with additional sales and marketing tools for growth. Jonas Welander VD och grundare/CEO and founder Grownow AB Mobile: +46 (0) 70 68 68 284 e-mail: […]
Possible assignment includes both analyzing current drivers, challenges and potentials for growth, assessment and development of business model, growth- planing and implementation as well as coaching. Please do not hesitate to contact us how we can support you with additional growth. Jonas Welander VD och grundare/CEO and founder Grownow AB Mobile: +46 (0) 70 68 68 […]